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Conecta con nosotros
No te pierdas nuestra transmisión en vivo
todos los domingos a las 10:30 am
This week's message
Listen to the sermon of our Pastor Alex Merlo, it will be a great blessing
Coming Soon!

Share your story
What has God done in your life? Our faith is strengthened when we hear how the power of God is working in people's lives. Please take a moment and share your story, testimony, or how God is moving in you right now.

Are you looking for a Church?
Do you want to know what we believe and teach?

Dowe can pray
for you?
We have someone who will be praying for you and for each request

What is Hearts for Honduras?
Hearts for Honduras was born from the need to help many families
who had lost their homes after the devastating hurricane

Missionary school
Missionary School has been an instrument to plant new missions and congregations in our District in recent years with students who have graduated from our program.
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